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Communities Actively Living Independent & Free
Diverse Communities, Diverse Abilities, One Human Family
Together, We Stand Stronger
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Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF) is an independent living center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides advocacy programs and services for people with disabilities primarily residing within the 50 zip codes of Los Angeles County covering south and central Los Angeles and neighboring communities.

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Lillibeth Navarro Tribute


DDAR Movie Day

New Executive Director

Keith Miller

Keith Miller

There are times when we are given no choice but to change; during that change comes possibilities and growth for those seeking it. Communities Actively Living Independent & Free has been around for 22 years under the direction of its founder, Lillibeth Navarro. Her unprecedented work has paved the way towards reform and equal access for thousands. Following in her footsteps will be no easy task, but it is one that I welcome and look forward to wholeheartedly.As a person with a disability with more than 20 years of related experience, I understand and live the mission of CALIF and embrace the philosophy of Independent Living to ensure that equal access and opportunities are available to seniors and people with disabilities. Together with the staff of CALIF, we will overcome physical or attitudinal obstacles and reach beyond as never before to meet the needs of our consumers, communities, and partners. At the same time, we’ll continue collaborating to bring about social justice, promoting independent living in all ways possible.As I have been given the responsibility, I am excited about leading CALIF and its staff while working with our Board of Directors to honor Lillibeth Navarro’s dream and expand and innovate for all the unforeseen challenges that the future holds for seniors and people with disabilities. Since the passing of the Americans with Disability Act and the Olmstead Act, more work remains. Many people still have this perception that the disabled are less able, and we are, at first sight, categorized as “less than” others. As people with disabilities, we often must make our presence known. People think we want a hand-out or are responsible in some way for our condition or circumstances. Whether born with a disability or have become disabled, we are to be heard, respected, and treated equally. That is what we deserve.Los Angeles is rich in disability diversity, as there are so many we have yet to reach and establish partnerships within our mission to educate and empower others. How we see and address each other is changing daily, with social media being so prevalent, leaving seniors and those without technology behind. CALIF will continue to provide technology and assisted devices, and other resources to those who want to achieve independence and participation in the community and at home.We have already achieved so much, let us move forward with our heads up high, focused on this work of advocacy and service delivery while providing life-changing opportunities.Keith Miller, Executive Director“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead