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Mission Statement

The mission of the South Central Los Angeles Emerging Aging Disability Resource Connection (SCLA ADRC) is to provide a seamless No Wrong Door Service policy and strategy so both the Senior and Disability Communities can easily negotiate the complex network of public and private, social, medical, transportation and other services. The strategy of efficient communication between and among service providers defines the policy of No Wrong Door for consumers needing help where people can link head and heart into an integrated, intelligent solution.


The Central South Los Angeles ADRC (CSLA) was established in July of 2020, and is head quartered in historic Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA).
The CSLA ADRC team is diverse in every sense of the word˗˗gender, race, age, ability, and experience. We are a group of people who share a common goal, and it is our dedication and commitment to the Aging and Disability community that motivates us to do our work. So, let’s meet the team! ADRC Program Director: Carrie Madden and Program Advocates; Allen Chamber. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We are here to help!

Carrie Madden

ADRC Program Director

Allen Chamber

ADRC Advocate

Zaldy de Ocampo

ADRC Advocate/Generalist

Getting to know you and the communities we serve. Please let us know what is going on in your life and where you live by completing our Survey. Just press the Survey button below and give us your feedback and your voice will be heard. Thanks for your help.